Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Seafair Weekend '11

A couple weeks ago was Seafair Weekend. This is a time when the Military services of the US are recognized and us civilians get some insight into the world of this select service. It is a 4 day event with Boeing hosting most of the events, obviously due to their large contribution to the Air Force. There was an air flight show put on by the infamous Blue Angels.

They did their show over the waters of Lake Washington. It was spectacular to see some of their maneuvering. Not only did they show extreme precision and control with their acrobatics, they were entirely in sync the entire time.

At one point they even came at each other full speed, one upside down, and missed each other by what seemed like only inches. Quite incredible!

The Navy also came to join the party bringing one of their GIANT Aircraft carriers. If the capital letters aren't enough to stress how big this ship was, let me tell you, it was humungous! I would say it was about 8-9 stories tall from top to bottom and about 150 yards long.

On board was 4 helicopters, 3 fighter jets, 4 humvees, two smaller tank looking things and 2 transport ships to transport these vehicles. And there was even room for more. I told you, crazy big.

It was definitely an exciting opportunity. It was also pretty cool to see some of the jet fighters and helicopters up close and personal. Though none of the planes on board specifically used the hardware we make at Exotic Metals, I got to see basically the same things we make, up close.

Here's some extra pictures for your enjoyment. Also, I developed a new processing technique for pictures with a sweet border. I like it a lot so it will most likely be overused. Just a heads up ;)

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