Saturday, November 5, 2011

Happy Halloween!

Sorry for the wait Mama Meier. I haven't been taking a lot of pictures lately so thus, not much to blog about. Chrissy has been pretty busy with work and school so she's a no go with the blogging. But anyways, here it is. Halloween 2011.

This year, like every year, was a Goodwill trip for Halloween costumes. We found some great wardrobes and accessories for an affordable price. Love it! This year Chrissy was a Rainbow Brite concoction. She got a custom made dress with some sweet leg warmers.

I on the other hand was a hipster. For those who don't know what a hipster is, it is a person who thinks that they are really cool and ahead of the times. They dress in any style that they think will be cool. Staples include tight pants, glass-less glasses, fixed gear bikes and shaved/long hair. They will also pay $6 for a can of PBR because it's the "cool" thing to do. I wore girls clothes and had Chrissy shave the sides of my hair.

We went to a friends house for "Dia de los Muertos" which is a Mexican Holiday that celebrates the friends and family that are no longer with us. Our friend Andrea made us an authentic mexican chicken dish that was delicious. We met her friend Kat and I had a great conversation about particle physics. I'm such a dork. We then went to another friends place that were having a party. It was great to see everyone and was really cool that everyone was dressed up. We also had a mini dance party. Thanks to the hosts Chelsea and Ryan (Jessica & Roger Rabbit).

It was a good night and a lot of fun. We also went to the neighbors house for a neighborhood party. This was a little more relaxed due to children being present and nobody but me being dressed up. But it was still fun to hang out with the neighbors. The week before Halloween we had our annual Apple/Pumpkin picking adventure. We love traditions and it was great to get together with friends. Though the best part of the trip was stopping at Applebees. We got about 10 appetizers due to it being happy hour. So delicious!

We also of course made jack-o-lanterns. No Halloween is complete without pumpkin carvings. In case you are unfamiliar, I made the Mitsubishi symbol ;)

A week later we went on a small hike with some people from the Italy class we took. It was nice to get together with them and check up to see how their doing. It was pretty fun and a beautiful day for a walk through the rainforest. It was also right next to a river complete with waterfalls. Good day!


  1. Loved the pictures and glad you updated the blog!! Always enjoy seeing what you are up too.

  2. Looks like you had a happy Halloween season. Always love the photos. Note to Chrissy, all the Halloween stuff at craft stores like Roberts & Michaels are 75% off- so stock up for next year:)I got some fun decorations and kids crafts super duper cheap!
