Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Ethan's Birth Story - Dec 30, 2018

Ethan James Birth Story – Dec 30th, 2018
I woke up late Sat night at about 11:45pm with painful contractions.  I got up a bit trying to figure out what to do with myself.  I laid back down and started counting the time between contractions and after an hour of them being 1 minute in length and 5 minutes apart I decided it was time to wake up Ben.  Then I re-packed my hospital bag since I had previously included all sorts of Christmas outfits 😊  Then I called my doctor and let her know I was heading into the hospital.  We left the house at 1:30am and drove over.  We were admitted into Triage and of course the contractions slowed down.  When I was checked I was 4 cm dilated around 2:30am.  They said I wasn’t super far along, but given it was my third things could go fast.  Additionally, since I was group Strep B positive they wanted to get the antibiotics in my at least 4 hours before delivery.  They hooked up an IV tap to do so.  After they got it in, I looked over at Ben and his face was white and he said he felt faint.  I told the doc and they laid him on the ground and got him a Sierra Mist to drink.  Haha.  After about 10 minutes he seemed a lot better.  They did a quick ultrasound to make sure baby was still head down, which he was.  Then we got set up in a labor and delivery room at 3:30am.  They got the antibiotics administered I was informed to just try to rest since they didn’t want to force anything along before 7:30am since that would be 4 hours after the antibiotics.  I rested for a little bit, but by 6am, the contractions were coming closer together and super painful.  They were starting to come on top of each other.  At 6:15am Dr. Okorn came in and said since they were doubling up, it could indicate a less than ideal head/birth position so to even them out she said it was time to break my water.  They broke my water and I was 7cm dilated.  I was having very intense contractions and back labor.  My whole body was shaking.  Since I didn’t have much of a ramp up to this intense laboring, it was difficult, and I was so exhausted already.  I decided to get an epidural.  They put it in at 6:35am.  By 6:45am I felt the need to push, they checked me and I was 9.5cm.  By 7:30am I was pushing.  It was nearly impossible to push effectively because everything was numb.  I was having a really difficult time.  I could feel the pressure of the contractions, but could not direct my efforts to push him out.  At 7:45am, they turned off the epidural so I could feel it.  That helped a lot, but it was still a totally different experience with the epidural since so much was numb.  His head was in the birth canal for a while hanging out.  Finally I was able to push him out at 8:11am.  He immediately pooped, and it got everywhere!  It took him what felt like forever to cry, but eventually he did.  He’s a healthy and happy boy!

8:11 8lbs 6.2 oz 21in long 13.75 head

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