Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Six Month Check up!

Anora is a half a year old and going strong!  She can sit up on her own for long periods of time, but still topples over when leaning for a toy.  She can sort of get up on all fours and scoots back if on her tummy.  She pulls up to standing and loves being on her feet.  Her favorite toy is the exersaucer since she can stand and play.  Good thing mom procured two of those!  She loves to drop toys and have me pick them up, drop toys, have me pick them up, repeat.  It's awesome...for her.  She still loves water and got to experience the swimming pool for the first time a week ago and giggled with glee the entire time! She is tasting different foods and swallowing very little.  So far she has tried avocado, banana, watermelon, potatoes, pineapple, prune, and tomato.  As of this week she is opening her mouth when we put a spoon to her mouth and tries to feed herself with the spoon. She giggles and babbles frequently, but my favorite thing is when she whispers things to herself as she is playing.  It's very cute!  Sure love this baby :)

Here are her 6 mo stats:

Weight - 14 lbs 12.5oz / 21.84%
Height - 64.8 cms / 29.03%
HC - 41.5cm / 26.21%