Thursday, June 23, 2016

Baby Boy Bump Shots

Well - I have been pretty bad about taking and posting pictures of my baby bump this time around.  So, I thought I would post a few of the last several weeks.  I'm now in my third trimester - hurray!  Things are progressing smoothly.  My energy has been low throughout this time around, so working out has been nearly non existent, so that's been a bummer, but all in all I've been feeling pretty good.  But I am getting anxious to meet this babe. 

So here I am in week 29 counting down the weeks until I get to meet this sweet boy. 

23 Weeks

As an aside, I started the Specific Carbohydrate Diet about 3 months ago now to see if it can help my gut.  It's a diet geared towards those with autoimmune disease.  My hope is that I can someday get off my Crohn's meds.  It is a very strict diet to follow - no added sugars, no grains, no preservatives - almost no convenience foods are not allowed.  One of the few things I can buy pre-packaged is a Lara bar!  Needless to say, I've been eating a lot of nourishing foods, so I'm happy about that, and my sweets addiction is more under control (yay!).  Those my chocolate cravings still sneak up on me.  Hoping I can incorporate it back into my diet at some point - hehe.  For now, I rely more on fruits to fill that desire.  Anyhow, I hope this diet is benefiting baby too.  Lots of nutrient dense foods for him to eat as well :) 

Visitors from Wisconsin!

Last weekend, we had the good fortune of seeing G-ma & G-pa!  They came for a long weekend over Father's Day.  They were with us when we were first looking at buying this house, so it was fun to show them the house again with all of our things inside.  Our place sure is coming along!

When they came, Anora & Eleanor were finishing up their last day together of nanny share.  They have been together nearly everyday for the last 2 years, so it was a bitter sweet day.  I'm not sure they totally understood what was happening.  They will still see each other, just not as frequently. 

 G-ma & G-pa spend about 2 days working out in our yard!  They cleared out a bunch of weeds a laid down wood chips.  The yard is looking so lovely :)

I love these pictures of Anora - she looks so happy <3

On Father's Day, Anora & Papa got matching sunglasses that they wore to the Sunday market together.  Anora liked petting all the dogs, and dancing to the street performers down at the market.

We made a stop at Starbucks so Papa could get a coffee and Anora could demand a pouch :D
Stealing my Lara bars!

 Of course any celebration of Ben would not be complete without an oreo DQ ice cream cake.  We celebrated with ice cream after a nice grilled meal of steaks & corn.  Yum! 

A Few Father's Day Gifts fom Anora!

It was a fun few days!  Thanks for visiting, G-ma & G-pa :)  Glad we got to spend some time together.