Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Top Tooth, almost ready to munch on Christmas cookies!

Anora has been hard core teething for the past several weeks.  We can see lots of bumps where her teeth will be popping through.  Just a couple days ago (12/15/14) her top right tooth came barreling through and is totally visible!  Her smile is completely adorable with these mini teeth.  She is starting to look more and more like a little girl and less like a baby - Wahh! :(

She is going through a bit of a stranger danger phase and is a bit clingy to mom and dad.  This can be hard for me during the day when I'm working because she will cry for me if she hears my voice.  If I go down and pick her up she immediately stops crying and is ready to play. Then the instant I even consider going back upstairs, her sixth sense kicks in and she climbs all over me to stay.  Mostly I love it, but it's challenging when I have a lot to do.

We are so excited to celebrate Christmas with Anora this year.  She really loves her plush nativity scene from Gammy and discovering the tree.  More than anything she wants to plug and unplug the Christmas lights. She did help us set up the tree and waved at the new decorations as she noticed them.

Friday, December 5, 2014

9 months

Anora turned 9 months old on Thanksgiving day!  We spent it with her cousins in Utah and had such a blast.  We got to join the Schauers clan at the ultrasound that revealed my sister was going to have a BOY!!!  Everyone was so excited, especially Lexi who could hardly bare the wait!  She was especially anxious when the baby's legs were crossed at first.  Oh the agony of anticipation!! We felt so special to have the chance to join them and find out first.  SO fun!

On thanksgiving day we went over to Aunt Wendy's house to enjoy a tasty meal with most of the Schauers family.  It is so fun to be there and I can't wait until Anora is old enough to run around and play with the other kids.  It was a beautiful day and we even got to spend some of thanksgiving outside playing in the leaves. 


 On Friday we ventured to the HOT SPRINGS for a day of swimming and soaking.  There were several pools that ranged from freezing, to bath water, to hots-ey tots-ey (as Lexi called it).  Then we had a good down home meal at a steak house that had delicious rolls!

 Saturday was especially exciting for me because I got to hang with my big sis while the boys watched the girls.  We went shopping at the outlets for a few hours and found some cute cloths for the girls and for baby boy!  We even found some things for ourselves :)    The boys hung out in the sun and hit up the "Get Some" gun store. 
 That night we went to see Christmas lights at Thanksgiving point.  We ate dinner at a little cafe first and checked out the reindeer. Then we got the kids out of the car seats and drove through a spectacle of lights!  The girls loved it.
 Sunday was our last day :(  We decided to go to a movie!  The Box Trolls.  It was Anora's first film.  She lasted for about 40 minutes before I could no longer entertain her in the confines of a seat.  :)
That night we ate a scrumptious homemade dinner, complete with homemade Swig sugar cookies.  MMMmmmm.  Then at around 7pm we went on our way to make the long overnight journey home.  Anora slept all the way home (except for a few wake ups when we stopped for gas).  Otherwise she was such a trooper!  We came home to snow in Seattle!
 We are still missing our Utah family ... even DUSTY!

Here are Anora's 9 month stats.

Weight 16 lbs 2 oz  / 15.45%
Height 26.73" / 15.28%
HC 43cm / 16.93" / 25.03%

She had to get two shots and a toe prick this visit.  Each time she does better and better with the shots.  She still loves being at the doctor and even showed off how she can wave when Dr. Hott was leaving the room. :)