Thursday, May 28, 2015

15 months!

Our little lady turned 15 months young yesterday.  She is our constant source of laughs and smiles.  She lights up any room she enters.  She loves showing her toothy grin to anyone willing to engage with her.  Anora loves to play, play, play, especially outside.  She points up to the airplanes in the sky, she smells the flowers on the ground, and gets really giddy if she crosses paths with a kitty or doggy.

She has gotten to be a pretty good eater compared to what she used to be. She will actually eat meals with us.  Some of her favorite foods are yogurt, bananas, blueberries, quesadillas, cheese, and chicken nuggets....and of course, mothers milk.

She just finally started saying, "Papa", much to Ben's delight.  She still says mama, hi, and bye.  She attempts to say other words like ball, baby, and owl but they are still a little jumbled.

Anora is the cuddliest little bug and loves to give hugs and kisses to those she loves.  She will even pat your back to soothe you :)  We were just in Utah visiting her newest cousin, Archer, and she got and gave lots of hugs and kisses from her cousins, Alexis & Ava.

She loves playing eveyday with her best friend, Eleanor.  I hear them giggling a lot throughout the day, and lately they have been greeting each other with kisses in the morning.  They are both so cute and brighten my day!

Here are Anora's stats:
Weight: 19lbs 0.5oz / 19%
Height: 30.25" / 39.78%
HC: 44.8cm / 26.7%

Bye for now!  xo