Can you believe our little Dex is already 9 months! I can't believe how time is flying by. He is our sweet, sweet boy. His giggle is my favorite sound. I could listen to it for hours on end. He has an adorable dimpled smile to boot. The whole package makes my heart sing!
He is big on eating solid foods now and eats purees like it's nobody's business. His favorite is yogurt with peanut butter and eating puffs. He has recently figured out how to pick them up with his pincer fingers and put them in his mouth with an assist from his other hand. He now shovels them in by the handful. He still nurses, but gets distracted easily, especially by his big sis. The two of them seem to have their own language together and both of their voices get really high when the talk to each other or squeal in Dexter's case.
Dexter hasn't started moving yet (which is totally cool with me, ha!) but he somehow has quite the reach. He loves playing with musical toys - rubbing sticks, ringing bells, or shaking maracas. He is very laid back and a great traveler! He was a champ on our most recent trip to Vancouver, BC.
Here he is in all his glory!
Weight - 20 lbs 12 oz / 69%
Height - 28.25" / 45%
HC - 46cm / 78%