Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Yay, Friends! [Part 1a]

Hey all, How goes it? So I had planned to update this blog last week, but ran into some computer complications. After contracting some viral diseases, my computer was left running slower than molasses in January and I was unable to connect to the internet. Being exiled from the World Wide Web gave me time to catch up on other things; such as playing Fallout 3 for Xbox 360. After some thorough research, registry editing and crossed fingers, I finally got everything up and running again (now quicker than ever :) So that means I can update this blog that everyone is anxiously awaiting!!! Yay! So enough nonsense, onto the blog.

3 weeks ago we were fortunate to have our third official visitor! Her name: Melissa Peick (we will refer to her from here on out as PIKE). Pike had helped us move all of our things out here 5 months ago. So she was actually our first unoffical visitor here (second to Matt of course). She got to see the before, and now the after, of our apartment setup. Even though Pike was only here for 4 days, we did enough activities for an entire week.

Our first activity of the week was what I thought to be a nice little hike up Mount Si. Located about 45 minutes East of Seattle, Mt. Si is a 4 mile hike up to 4,000 ft. After climbing the 1st mile, I began to realize that this trail is all switchbacks going straight up. We started seeing US Army soldiers resting on the side of the trail, completely out of breath. Granted they were in complete fatigues, carrying backpacks and it was in the high 80's, I began to wonder what I had gotten into. 2 miles later, I realized we still had a mile to go... not good. It's then the fact that my body is not made for endurance events came to light. It also doesn't help that I have chicken legs. My body was definitely pushing it's limits. 3/4 of a mile later we were informed we only had 10 minutes left. At this point, the trail was literally STRAIGHT up. We were on our hands and knees climbing rocks. My body was on the point of shutting down, fainting, puking, etc... But I was so close that I couldn't give up! I made it to the top and was informed that my face was ghost white and lips were very pale. BUT I MADE IT! Chrissy and Pike on the other hand were only slightly winded and ready for another 4 miles. [Must be all the marathon training or something...]

The view was phenomenal from atop Mt. Si! Even though I wanted to die at the time, it was well worth the journey up to the top. We could see clear across the Snohomish valley. Making our way down was MUCH easier although a little hard on the knees and ankles. I might consider doing this again, but I am definitely going to take my time doing it.

Friday held a completely different kind of parade. Located in the same place as the Summer Solstice Parade, the annual Zombie Walk took place in Fremont. Even though it sounds completely self explanitory, we had no idea what to expect. BRAINS, BRAINS, BRAINS was the only thing I heard all night.

Hundreds of Zombies made their way across the streets of Fremont looking for fresh flesh. Surrounding cars and crowding windows, it was truly a night of the living dead. It was a good thing there were police present incase it got out of hand. I asked them if they knew what to do and they replied "Yep, Blow off their Heads." They've been trained well.

As the sun was setting the masses had gathered around the outdoor theater. In loving memory of the King of Pop whom has recently fallen, we were taught how to do the Thriller Dance. In an attempt to set the Guinness record for the largest simultaneous thriller dance, everybody did their best to follow along while enjoying their selves. It was definitely a sight to see!

On our way out, we saw this:

The things people do... Stay tuned for the 4th of July!

Pike, are you happy I finally got this posted? One more picture for you ;)


  1. Can I just say I love Peick's face in the last photo! AHAHAHAHAHA!

  2. Wow the view from Mount Si looks amazing! Glad you made it Ben, I'm sure it was worth it. that zombie parade was one of the weirdest things I've seen!
