Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Smash Putt '12

What do you get when you combine the laid back sport of mini golf with the slashing metal of power tools? A satisfying game of Seattle Smash Putt. This is not your average round of windmill putt putt. This is a combination of home-made pneumatic, chain driven, CO2 powered mini golf holes, complete with waiver stating that if we die it's not their fault.

Set in the depths of South Seattle in an abandoned warehouse, the 5 of us embarked on a mini journey as we putt, putt, putted our way through the obstacles that lay ahead. To begin our travels we were teleported back to the 60's as we hit our way through the shag carpet and horrible upholstery.

Next we exchanged our clubs for a jigsaw puzzle that we had to spin to make our way out of the maze.

Next up was a hole that involved a belt sander and saws. This left our balls bruised but not beaten.

The entire time we heard loud compressed air mixed with the high pitched ting of golf balls hitting hanging saw blades and metal milk jugs. We had to try our hand on the Carbon Dioxide powered golf ball rifles.

There were also skeeball and fooseball themed holes.

After 9 holes, we decided to re-energize with a 2nd round of libations. That was the time we spotted the break dance pad. Who were we to deny busting some funky moves?

All stretched out and ready to roll, we headed over to the loop-de-loop. It even had an exercise bike and creepy headless mannequins to keep us entertained.

A Pneumatically driven green held the key to all types of devious fun. With the press of a button, the floor would moved up and down to screw with the puttee. Chrissy was loving this hole.

One of the more fun holes included a giant wheel of fortune you had to guess the scratch n' sniff and match it with the corresponding smell in order to get the hole in one. Flavors included Campfire, purple soda, garlic, street meat tack truck, propane and popcorn.

The 16th hole was actually a disco party ad we attempted to hit our way through 2 turntables and a microphone. Dance Dance Dance, Awesome!

The second to last hole included stepping on a pneumatic switch to catapult our balls at the castle. It was incredibly tricky but a ton-o-fun!

The last hole was the mack daddy of them all. After hitting our way a giant hill, our ball was sent down a chute where a giant drill proceeded to bore a 1/4" hole through the middle of our ball. Wicked!

Mary Jo even found her future husband there (well at least he wished)

This was not something I had ever done, but is definitely something I will again for years to come. Afterwards we stopped at the Longhorn Saloon for some deliciously greasy sandwiches. Classic Southern Seattle Style.

Here's some extras from the day:


  1. Good to see you guys blogging again! It's fun to keep up with what you are up to. We miss you both!!

  2. Where is my local Smashputt damn it!
