Saturday, June 16, 2012

Memorial Day 2012

Memorial Day is the weekend in which we embark on the magical journey to central Washington. This is the 4th annual camping trip with some good friends for some fun times. This year we had 10 people in our group. My photographic challenge on this weekend was to get some astro-photographic shots. I definitely have a ways to go but some of these are by far my best shots. Including this time lapse:

Since we were within a couple miles of the Sasquatch music festival, we could see it's great lights from our camp site. They lit up the night like a city skyline.

While checking out the sunset, we were greeted by a low flying ultralight. They just flew by to say hi.

What is camping without friends, drinks and fires?

After staying up until the wee hours of the night we were awoken by the blistering sun. We decided to cool down by going for a swim. Vince had mentioned it was a little hike to get there, but we didn't know it was a 3 mile hike. Atleast we were great by some beautiful waterfalls.

We finally reached the water at the bottom of the basin. It was just inviting us to come sample it.

Although the water was cold, it was still every bit refreshing. There was a cliff jump that added to the festivities. I believe everyone even jumped in. Though I suppose why would you go that far without taking a dip in the refreshing agua.

Leslie brought her adorable dog Gilbert with us. The hike down to the lake was very treacherous, rocky and steep. So we had to take turns carrying Gilbert down the trail. I'm sure he didn't mind and just "hung" out while we totted him down the hill.

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