Anora just flipped over the calendar on 18 months last week. I have been saying she's about 1.5 years old for several weeks now, but it's finally official! She is definitely a toddler and has really started to become her own lady in the last month. Her vocabulary is exploding, and she communicates what she wants. She is very good at saying, "no" or "no no no" while shaking her head. Some of her other favorite words are "shoes" to indicate she wants to go outside ("side"), "nose", "eye", "woof woof", "meow", "mama" or any variation "mom" "mommy" etc, "papa", "off", "down", "truck", "Julie" (her nanny), and "weeeeee" on swings. Her little voice and pronunciation kills me every time. Her first phrase was "papa's shoes". She likes to try walking around the house in mama and papa's shoes. She loves to play and will even go into her playroom and have a tea party on her own sometimes. But she never wants to play alone when I'm making dinner. That's when she wants to be "up". Up on me, on the counters, and getting into everything! Her favorite is using the pepper grinder.
She has discovered some of her own dance moves which involve jumping and flapping her arms up and down. It's hilarious to watch, check out this video here.
She laughs a lot and is learning how to play games like peek-a-boo. She still loves playing in and with water. I guess that's the Pieces in her. She is becoming a better eater, but still can be easily distracted by people, games, or toys. Her favorite foods are OLIVES, frozen yogurt tubes, grapes, and quesadillas dipped in guacamole. and egg sandwiches. She also really likes chocolate chip cookies because we made the mistake of giving her one at the state fair. Now she whines for cookies when she sees them.
Here are the stats on our little peanut:
Height: 2'7.26" / 79.4 cm (28%)
Weight: 20 lbs / 9.072 kg (14.5%)
Head Circumference: 45 cm / 17.72" (17%)
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