Sunday, March 15, 2009

AMLI 532

(written by Chrissy so you know who the I's are referring to :)
Hi Everyone,

Welcome to AMLI 532 - our new home! We thought we should share some pictures of our new place! We are still trying to get things organized so don't be too critical of us :)

Let's begin with my favorite part - a washer and dryer in our apt! As you can see we have a multitude of things packed around the washer and dryer mainly because this is our only storage space! Ugh!

Here is our lovely bathroom.

And our bedroom closet....obviously we have a few too many clothes for this small closet, but thanks to Craigs List I will soon take care of that :)

The bedroom with Lloyd taking a nap.

Here is the living room where we have our computers side-by-side by the windows. This is where I get to work from everyday.

So yesterday we went to IKEA and got some furniture and decorations that we needed. I had to add this one of our new coffee table for all those of you who had seen my apt in Rochester where I was using something like a TV tray (but smaller) as my coffee table. To finally have space for more than a glass of water is a beautiful thing!!

We also got some greenery for our apt. Who knew IKEA sold plants!!

And the kitchen...the heart of the home as they say.

This is one of the highlights of our building - The ROOFTOP! There are gardens, a grill, and a fantastic view of the city from up here.

Downtown Seattle & Queen Anne

Lake Union - 4 blocks away! Plus we get a view from our balcony!

Here we are cheers-ing to our new pad!

So on a different note - I finally decided to just do it - I went out and bought the Wii Fit (the last one in the store!) I have been wanting to buy it ever since Ben and I bought the Wii last September. I love it and play it everyday. Here are some pics of us playing the balance and step games!

Last of all I had to throw this picture in here of me and Macklemore. Ben and I had the pleasure of going to a concert last weekend to see some great hip hop. We were star struck when we saw Macklemore all dressed up in the crowd. He is one of our favorite artists and we are looking forward to seeing him perform on Monday(tomorrow)! BTW, he is dressed up goofy in this photo, he doesn't usually have a stash!

Anyway, that's all for now - hope everyone is doing great!


  1. The new pad looks awesome! You even have things hung on the walls already, way to go. Looks like some awesome views from the rooftop. Glad to see you are having fun!!

  2. Macklamore? I'm way out of touch. Liking the rooftop....what's your high score on ski jump on wii fit? Brad

  3. Funny you ask! I just set the new high score on the ski jump of 370 meters. What is your top score?
    And don't feel too bad if you don't know who Macklemore is, he is a local hip hop artist and unless you are an avid hip hop listener you prob would have never heard of him. Pretty sweet stash tho, eh!? :)
