Sunday, March 22, 2009

Weekly Activites

Hello Everyone,
Welcome to update #3! Since we last talked, a couple of things have happened. Me and Chrissy have decided to have weekly activities to keep us active. These are laid out by days of the week with each having a clever title. We begin with:

Monday Night Monopoly

Since we are both avid Monopoly fans, we decided to pick up the game that brought back childhood memories. This game time will come in conjunction with the epic Monday Night programming of Heroes(!). We will keep you posted on the winning status. So far its:

Ben - 1
Chrissy - 0

It's too Good to be Truesday!

So last St. Patrick's Day we were planning on going to Paddy Coyne's. Since this is the only Irish Restaurant/Pub in the area, they had a line going out the door and a $10 cover. Instead of waiting an hour to pay $10, we decided to go a block away to the Southlake Grill. We have been wanting to go to this place not only because it is 2 blocks away, but also because our apartment has a deal with them that allows us to get 15% off at all times. We then found that on Tuesday's, they have a deal that is $2.99 for ANY drink. This includes top shelf liquor such as Grey Goose and Crown Royal! Therefore on Tuesday's we plan to stop over for a good cheap drink. It is too good to be True(sday).

Walks by the Water Wednesday

Since there is so much water around the Seattle Area, we decided to make Wednesday's the day to take walks by various bodies of water. For the first Wednesday we decided to check out the East side of Lake Union, which happens to be conveniently 3 blocks north of us. There are a lot of nice little restaurants along the water as well as a place to buy $3 Million dollar boats (that happen to come with a boat). Below are some of the pictures from the walk.

Thursday Travel Trip's

Continuing with the theme of exploring new things, we decided to make Thursday's the day the explore more places around Seattle. In the future this will come in conjunction with Walks by the Water Wednesday. Last week while driving around the Magnolia Suburb (north-east Seattle), I happened to discover "Discovery Park". So for the first Thursday trip I decided to take Chrissy there and see what there was to discover. After a 30-minute hike from the parking lot, we discovered the Puget Sound waterway. This is the Western Most point of Seattle and it overlooks Bainbridge Island. We hiked from South Beach to North Beach then back to the parking lot. Over all it was about a 2 hour hike and we saw some beautiful sites.

Discovery Park was a pretty cool place. And yes, that really is a Bald Eagle. He flew like 10 feet over top of our head and said "Welcome to Seattle".

Since we have been out here, we have been meeting more and more people. It seems that a lot of people out here are from the Midwest. In fact, we happened to run into someone that we both knew from La Crosse. Because of this, we have decided to have "Family Dinner" nights. Each week someone will host the dinner at their place and provide the main course. The others will bring side dishes and desserts. We decided to do this on Thursday nights, so therefore Thursday Travel Trip's will now be a part of Walks by the Water Wednesday. First up will be at Andy's place because he is going to be moving in 2 weeks. The list of people so far are as follows:

Ben & Chrissy
Ben G. & his Girlfriend

Saturday night we meet up with some friends, Blake and Kris, from Port Angeles, Wa. They came down with a group of people for a String Band Concert at the Crocodile Lounge. The band "Hot Buttered Rum", and even the jam band before "The Everything Orchestra", were amazing! We meet some pretty cool people and had a great time. Also, it turns out that it only takes 30 minutes to walk downtown from our place. How convenient!

Another update is that our apartment is coming together more and more. This is partly due to my recent purchase. It has been 4 years that I have been looking to get a nice TV so I finally bought one. It was a closeout item so it was $200 off. Plus I had some gift certificates built up so it was a pretty good deal. Behold, the

42" Sony Bravia 1080p LCD HDTV

All I can say is WOW. It looks absolutely amazing. I don't know how I have gone this long without a nice TV. And on a side note, we now have a TV in the bedroom. This allows us to be able to watch both our TV Shows that happen to be on at the same time. How Nice.

Until Next Time....


  1. Awesome. Those activity nights are the recipe for a lasting and successful relationship. We are so stoked to see you two and check out your new diggs. Five weeks away, can't wait!

  2. I'm so happy for you guys and your new t.v. in particular. I assume you get the big t.v. when this overlap happens.
    Sounds like a lot of discovery going on in Seattle. What about "fly home Friday's". You can fly back to the Midwest every Friday and do some more exploring and discovering. You might have to save that idea for when you get a private jet.


  3. Yes, Ben gets the big TV when the overlap happens. I like the idea of "fly home Friday's" but only if you are funding this adventure :) Perhaps you'll just have to come out here! Amy & Aaron are (can't wait!)...everybody's doing it...oh and bring my teddy bear spoon with you!

  4. Well if everybody else is doing it I can too. And by the way, I had a great idea. I'm going to start a blog for the teddy bear spoon and take pictures of it in tons of different locations. Such as, almost falling off a cliff, or almost being thrown away, or being bent at a really weird angle. This stuff writes itself!

  5. Glad to see that you are having fun exploring Seattle, it is such an awesome city! Can't wait for you to take us to some of your favorite spots. I think we were actually to that spot overlooking Bainbridge (or somewhere near there) last September, beautiful! Can't wait to visit!!

  6. How fun! Seattle seems to becoming home for you guys. We are so happy for you. You are fitting right in there and meeting new people. Yeah! We, too, vote for Fly home Fridays! We miss you!
