Sunday, March 27, 2011

Rattlesnake Ledge

Last weekend we decided to go on a hike to get prepared for our trip to hike the Dolomites (the Italian Alps). Located in North Bend and the Snoqualmie area, Rattlesnake Ledge is a brisk 2 mile, 2,000 feet hike to a ledge that overlooks Rattlesnake lake on one side and the Snoqualmie valley on the other. Though the hike wasn't extremely demanding, it was just a great feeling to get outside into the wilderness again. This winter has been holding us hostage with it's cold and rain. It's nice now that it is finally warming up enough to go out in the world and explore. We are definitely looking forward to more hiking trips as summer ascends upon us.

Notice the lush green moss that covered the forest like a warm blanket. I LOVE THE NW!

The lake below was so peaceful and serene. It was the perfect location to enjoy some grapes and a heirloom orange.

Amazingly enough, this was Andy's first true hike in the NW. This guy has lived here for 5 years and he has NEVER been hiking out here. Crazy, I know, right? Though I think this hike changed his mind about things and he will be accompanying us on many more hikes.

If Andy and I ever had a band, this would be our album cover:

Chrissy also made us a beautiful pasta dish one night. It even included fresh mozzarella from WISCONSIN! It was delicious that pictures can not do it justice. However after seeing all of the wonderful culinary photography my friend Mark Mirocha has, I wanted to try my hand at it. As you can see, I still have a long way to go.

1 comment:

  1. Sign us up for a good hike in May! Looks beautiful, but if course it's Washington!! Oh and sign us up for the pasta too:) Yum. Can't wait.
