Wow, I am doing terrible with these updates. My bad. Anyways, my good friend William Thomas Mansfield The Fourth (Willy T. IV) came out to visit a couple weeks ago. This was his first time out to Seattle so of course we had to show him a good time. He said he was interested in doing some hiking so I figured Little Mount Si. might be a fun hike [See Yay, Friends Part 2]. On our way to the Trailhead we looked up to the top of Large Mt. Si and made a last minute decision to just go all the way to the top. If you remember I had attempted this 4 mile, 4,000 foot hike back in July [See Yay, Friends Part 1a] and it just about killed me "My body was on the point of shutting down, fainting, puking, etc". I needed my revenge...
Going at a little slower pace and taking frequent breaks was the key this time. The hardest part wasn't running out of breath/energy but just walking the trail itself. We began the hike in 50 degree typical fall weather. At about the 3 mile mark we begin seeing snow in the woods. After another 1/4 mile the snow has completely covered the trail, welcoming us to winter. Not anticipating the snow, I had worn an old pair of skateboarding shoes with absolutely no tracking. This made it near impossible to traverse the snow/ice trail.
After crawling hands and knees up the the last half mile we finally reached the summit. What a sight it was! Covered in snow and over looking the Snoqualmie mountain range (The Central Cascade Mountains), we were taken back by the landscape that stood in front of us. You could literally draw a line in the trees where the snow began.
It turns out that this lookout was a popular spot for Snow Birds. They were apparently very familiar and comfortable with all of the people that visit Mt. Si. Some girls were feeding them directly out of their hands. They had no fear of us at all and would come within a foot of us for some sweet photos.
We then continued our way up the rocks to a snow covered cliff edge overlooking the Southern Valley. Traversing just inches from certain death to the rocky point was adrenaline inducing. The sights to see from here were breathtaking.
Since we were already on the top of a Mountain we figured why not throw a Frisbee Disc off the top and see how far it would go? So with all of his might and finesse Willy T. IV threw that frisbee as far as he could. It was a beautiful shot that seemed to float forever before dropping more than half way down the mountain side only to be lost in a sea of trees.
All in all, it was a fantastic experience that was MUCH more enjoyable than last time. I am so glad I got my revenge and will be doing it again, and again. Willy T, it was nice to have you out here! We had a great time and expect that you did too. You are welcome any time!
WOW those pictures are amazing!! Sure is a beautiful view. Hope the wedding plans are going well.